Have you heard of deflategate? In short, New England Patriots quarterback and All American heartthrob was accused of letting air out of footballs to make them easier to throw and catch. His defense? Cold weather. That’s right… it was cold, so the air in the footballs was low because of mother nature, not father Belicek. The fact is, winter air … Read more
Until someone invents the 200,000 mile tire, you’re going to need to take care of your Stittsville/ Kanata tires. We talked about rotating your tires last month – it is a pain but most tire dealers (including us) will include rotation as part of your new Kanata/Stittsville tire package. So make an appointment, have a seat, and surf the Web … Read more
We hope that when it is time for new tires for your Stittsville/Katana car you take a look at G&I Automotive’s extensive selection. And whether you are working on the last few miles of your old tires or you start with a fresh set you should really, seriously… no, really… rotate your tires on a regular basis. This may be … Read more